Product Guide


It is best to start with one word and one button.  A great word to start with is “play”.  After you have made your choice, use the word repeatedly.   Use the word in a sentence while talking to your learner.  Just as a note: Don’t introduce "food" yet!  

Now you can start modeling the word of choice.  While pushing the buttons that you have programmed with your hand or foot use the word.  Don’t add any extra words at this time.  Let your learner/pet become familiar with the association of the word and the use of the button.  Now is the time to be patient.  Some learners need up to three months for the first word and some learn in just a week or two. 

When you begin setting up the buttons that you have programmed with your voice, it is best to set them up in pairs.  Most teachers have had great results by starting with “play” and “outside”.  When you introduce your learner to “play” make sure you say the word, use their favorite toy while saying “play” and act excited about engaging in play with her/him.  For the time being place the “’outside” button by the door that you will be using to take your pet outside.  Say, “outside”.  Press the button, then say “outside” again and open the door.  Be patient and please resist the temptation to press their paw on the button.  Some learners pick this up in a week or two and others take longer.  This is called modeling.  A word of caution - don’t introduce any form of the word(s) food.  Yes, your learner will learn this particular button quickly but they will be pressing it way too frequently!  Unless of course, you have a learner who has a poor appetite.  Then you can create a food button.

If your learner is still hesitant to press a button you can get a small clear plastic or glass jar that is similar in size to the button and place a treat underneath.  Show your learner how to tap the top of the container with your finger, then lift the container to let them get the treat.  Repeat this but do not lift the container.  Let your learner try it.  Repeat this process as necessary.

After your learner has established a good understanding of the first few words you can slowly start adding other words.  Lots of love and patience will reward both of you with a much stronger bond than you ever had before.

There are lots of videos on You Tube.  Just type in talking buttons.  So far there are dogs and cats. Have fun with you learner!  you are embarking on a new adventure together!

Happy Talking!

The team at Town and Country Pet